Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Springtime is a comin'!

In honor of Punxsutawney Phil NOT seeing his shadow this morning, meaning that spring is a comin' early! At least that's according to the mythology of groundhog day. Of course living in FL means spring comes waaaaay early anyway. Yesterday there was a high of 75 and it was humid. Good times. That is never a good sign of how the summer is going to be. I have a feeling it's going to be hotter than it was last summer. Of course I digress, as I was saying, in honor of Phil NOT seeing his shadow I've decided to not only start a weekly Etsy cupcake product find, but also to showcase something in the celebration of Spring arriving early!

I absolutely LOVE Etsy so of course this task was not hard for me to do. I typed in the page's address, the word "cupcakes" and clicked away looking at all the cupcake type products. It was overwhelming at first at how many cupcake related items are actually out there. Everything from actual cupcakes to jewelry (OH what I wouldn't give for a cupcake necklace at the moment!) Finally....

I came across THESE:
Edible pink and black butterflies!

At first I thought that they were paper toppers, but then I saw the word EDIBLE. I mean how ingenious are these!? These would be a perfect topping to anyone's cupcakes. I immediately started to think of what flavors would compliment these and vica versa. I settled on honey lavender. Purple butterflies with lavender. It's fitting, really. If these colors don't do it for you, the shop has many other colors to choose from. These are just the tip of the icingberg.

So this concludes my first Etsy weekly find! Hopefully you and groundhog Phil both enjoyed it!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Obsessed over cupcakes.

I was never a fan of cupcakes up until I got pregnant. Originally, cupcakes were a take it or leave it kind of thing for me. Of course I never realized how many different things you could do with cupcakes! I was so used to just normal cupcakes you bought from supermarkets. You know, the ones that are just plain yellow cake with butter cream frosting? With that being the only cupcakes I've really ever had there was no surprise I wasn't a fan!

Then I got pregnant. A friend of mine mentioned baking cupcakes nonchalantly once when we talking on the phone and from then on out until giving birth I craved cupcakes! I couldn't get enough of them. Only then did I discover the cupcake craze that was sweeping the world! I dreamed, breathed and lived cupcakes. I found that cupcakes were everywhere and that they came in flavors other than yellow cake and butter cream frosting. They came in so many other mind blowing, fantastic flavors! Flavors you would never ever think of putting together, but they somehow come together perfectly.

After having my baby I thought the cravings and obsession would go away and for a while it did, but then it came back full force. If anything my obsession for cupcakes has gotten crazier. I've started to become the "cupcake girl" within my group of friends. I definitely love the nickname. Since I can't get enough of them I figured I'd start a blog in an effort to help me express my obsession through a healthy outlet. This blog will pretty much all things cupcakes, including me baking cupcakes and trying out recipes from other blogs! So welcome and I hope you enjoy my little piece of cupcake heaven.